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Farewell To A Cultural Icon; Fredrick Toots Hibbert @Nov 16 2020 03:25 PM
#Toots #Farewell #CulturalIcon Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica or PBCJ carries as part of its programming: Coverage of events of National and Regional Interest Dissemination of Balanced News, Current Affairs, Information and Ideas on matters of general public interest.

PBCJ NEWS - NOVEMBER 16, 2020 @Nov 16 2020 02:42 PM
The news today includes: __ Hurricane Iota Now Category 4 __ Weise Road Clean Up __ Jamaicans Urged To Solve Disputes With Mediation __ Electrical Work Registration And Licensing Regulations __ 45 New COVID-19 Cases, 82 Recoveries __ COVID-19 Breakdown __ Farewell To A Cultural Icon; Fredrick Toots Hibbert __ Jamaica Stock Exchange __ Forex Trading __ Oil Prices Regional News: __ Locusts In Moruga __ Social Gatherings Suspended As COVID-19 Cases Rise __ Arc Gets The Green Light Despite Pandemic __ International Olympics Committee Supports Vaccination #PBCJNews #DailyNews #CurrentAffairs #Broadcast #BreakingNews #Television #Journalist #NewsStory #Features #Government #ParliamentJA #HotTopics #Campaigns #Jamaica #LocalNews Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica or PBCJ carries as part of its programming: Coverage of events of National and Regional Interest Dissemination of Balanced News, Current Affairs, Information and Ideas on matters of general public interest.

Toots Interment Service @Nov 15 2020 06:47 PM
Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica or PBCJ carries as part of its programming: Coverage of events of National and Regional Interest Dissemination of Balanced News, Current Affairs, Information and Ideas on matters of general public interest.

Toots - Farewell to Cultural Icon @Nov 13 2020 09:14 AM
Tribute concert dubbed Toots Farewell to Cultural Icon Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica or PBCJ carries as part of its programming: Coverage of events of National and Regional Interest Dissemination of Balanced News, Current Affairs, Information and Ideas on matters of general public interest.

GET THE FACTS @Nov 11 2020 04:00 PM
Today we will be focusing on the Jamaica Customs Agency. How has this important entity been coping in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. The resource person is Chief Executive Officer, Velma Ricketts Walker.