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CAPRI Launches Research Findings On Impact Of COVID-19 On Education
@Sep 3 2021 02:42 PM
On Thursday the Caribbean Policy Research Institute or CAPRI launched the findings of its latest report, which is titled “Time Out: The Impact of COVID on Education,”
The study which was conducted by Stephanie Sewell and Maxine Henry-Wilson is co-funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office. The team reviewed and analysed the pandemic's disruption and its impact on education, which plays a critical role in national development at both the individual and societal levels.
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in widespread school closures in more than 160 countries. Over 1.2 billion students at all levels of education around the world have stopped having face-to-face classes. More than 160 million of these were students in Latin America and the Caribbean. Here in Jamaica the schools were ordered physically closed on March 13, 2020 by the education ministry in keeping with recommendations from health authorities. The closure would affect 600,000 students in the educational system. With the new school term set to begin this month, the country will soon hear what shape this new school year will take. We get more in this report from Marlon Samuels.
#CAPRI #TimeOut #PBCJNews
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PM Outlines Plans For Mass Mobilisation Vaccination
@Sep 3 2021 02:21 PM
Plans are in place to drive greater COVID-19) vaccine take-up in communities. Prime Minister, Andrew Holness says persons will be employed in a mass-mobilisation effort on the ground to ensure that the public gets access to vaccination sites. The Prime Minister shared the plans during a virtual press brief this week on Wednesday.
#VaccinateJA #PrimeMinister #PBCJNews
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The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica or PBCJ carries as part of its programming:
Coverage of events of National and Regional Interest
Dissemination of Balanced News, Current Affairs, Information and Ideas on matters of general public interest.
CAPRI || Time Out || Impact of COVID-19 on Education
@Aug 31 2021 12:21 PM
In its latest publication, “Time Out: The Impact of COVID on Education,” the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CAPRI) release its findings and provide evidence-informed policy solutions to the complex and critical problems that Jamaica's education sector will undoubtedly face as a result of the pandemic on Thursday, September 2, 2021.
#COVID19 @CapriCaribbean #TimeOut
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The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica or PBCJ carries as part of its programming:
Coverage of events of National and Regional Interest
Dissemination of Balanced News, Current Affairs, Information and Ideas on matters of general public interest.
Jamaica Magazine-02.09.2021
@Sep 2 2021 02:45 PM
#JIS #JISTV #JISnews #Jamaica #Goverment
Waste Management like a Pro
@Sep 2 2021 02:37 PM
#JIS #JISTV #JISnews #Jamaica #Goverment