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Jamaica Magazine 30/09/2020
@Sep 30 2020 05:00 PM
#JIS #JISTV #JISnews #Jamaica #Goverment
Literacy In Focus
@Sep 30 2020 05:00 PM
#JIS #JISTV #JISnews #Jamaica #Goverment
JISTV | Rural Economic Development Initiative II (REDI II)
@Sep 30 2020 12:20 PM
Miss Naomi Francis – Moderator
Dr. Wayne Henry, JP - Chairman, JSIF
Mr. Ozan Sevimli - Resident Representative, Jamaica The World Bank
Mr. Omar Sweeney - Managing Director- JSIF
Honourable Desmond McKenzie, CD, MP - Minister of Local Government & Rural Development
Honourable Floyd Green, MP - Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries
Honourable Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP - Minister of Tourism
Main Address by- The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, MP - Prime Minister of Jamaica
#JIS #JISTV #JISnews #Jamaica #Goverment
JISTV | The Sitting of the House of Representatives- September 29,2020
@Sep 29 2020 09:33 PM
The Sitting of the House of Representatives- September 29,2020 #JIS #JISTV #JISnews #Jamaica #Goverment
NIDS Bill may be passed by end of year
@Sep 30 2020 05:19 PM
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